Soul art sessions are one on one art sessions designed for deeper self exploration.
It is an opportunity to ask questions of yourself that are important for your growth and understanding right now.
The solutions we seek are always available to us, all we need to do is to get out of the way and allow ourselves to be in a receptive mode to recieve them.
When we create art it is one way of bypassing the mind which helps us connect to this infinate wisdom that we each have.
The aim of these sessions is to facilitate a conversation between you and your inner wisdom. This is a potent thing to develop, as the more we are in tune with our inner selves, the more we can live from a place that is guided by our inner wisdom, the more joy we can create in our lives.
Nothing is more powerful than doing what you love.
Following your joy and bliss are what leads you on your path of purpose.
When you recognise what brings you joy, this is an indcator of what your soul purpose on this planet is.
We all have different gifts to share. We all have a unique way in which we contribute to humanity simply by being true to ourselves.
And when we are following our own heart we give others permission to do so too.
The art we make in these sessions is created in an intuitive way to allow this process to flow easily and naturally.
The session is designed to be relaxed and playful and will flow in an organic way according to what reveals itself though you.
There is no need to have artistic experience. We are all creative beings. Playing with colour and form is simply a powerful way to free yourself up and let your soul reveal iteslf to you.
You will leave with your own beautiful artworks that are representative of your soul essence. They will also remind you of your magnificance and of the solutions that are always available to you.
These private sessions are for one hour.
The cost is $120