Throughout my life I have continued to find solace and a deeper understanding of myself through
different creative mediums.
I was drawing and painting from a young age. In my teenage years I was excited about impressionist art and the way the artists used colour, striving for perfection. Monet was my hero! I was so inspired by the moods and subtleties he portrayed in his works. However, I also loved exploring my boundaries with art. I began to experiment and revelled in how much I could express myself creatively....through raw use of mediums and mixing styles,
pushing the boundaries of conformity.
At the same time I was also studying music and classical voice. I loved the tangent of that way of expressing myself.....enthralled by Mozart I delved into the world of music for many years. I was very bound by the restrictions and perfection of classical music however, and it was many years before I became able to use my voice in freer expression.
It wasn't until some years later that I began to draw more freely with pastels and pencils. I would sit and just let images come. They would often be quite spiritual drawings. By stilling my mind and getting out of the way, colour became medicine and images became messages. I love this process! It felt good to just allow a spontaneous flow of creative energy. I started running classes where meditation and stilling the mind was the beginning point of the class. After a guided meditation the class would then draw from the inside out. That is to say that the creative process is coming from direct link with the inner self.
Through this time I had three girls. I made their toys, hats and boots from felt and other natural materials and often had "creating circles" with them. I taught herself how to mosaic and then offered this as a workshop for kids and adults to learn these skills and make beautiful things themselves.
Having freed myself up in her own voice by then, I then was able to assist kids to sing though play, verse and games. I I I then transferred this to dance and began running creative dance classes for toddlers and school aged kids.
I discovered the free dance practises of 5Rhythms and Groove and dived into those delicious practices integrating them into my body and offering it to kids, teenagers and adults of all abilities as a way of feeling comfortable in their own bodies
and having great fun doing it!
When I revisited my painting in these years it was with a freedom of expression that had become so satisfying. I would never know what was going to emerge onto the canvas and the process was such a beautiful
synergy of myself and Spirit. It has become a practise that truly is a medicine to me. A way of getting to know my inner worlds better and becoming more in tune and more familiar with the true expression of myself.
My whole life has been about discovering myself through creativity. It is such a beautiful thing to live, and I am passionate about offering the space for others to know themselves through their own creativity.
I adore this work and delight in the knowing that we can all feel beauty that is our unique creative essence.
different creative mediums.
I was drawing and painting from a young age. In my teenage years I was excited about impressionist art and the way the artists used colour, striving for perfection. Monet was my hero! I was so inspired by the moods and subtleties he portrayed in his works. However, I also loved exploring my boundaries with art. I began to experiment and revelled in how much I could express myself creatively....through raw use of mediums and mixing styles,
pushing the boundaries of conformity.
At the same time I was also studying music and classical voice. I loved the tangent of that way of expressing myself.....enthralled by Mozart I delved into the world of music for many years. I was very bound by the restrictions and perfection of classical music however, and it was many years before I became able to use my voice in freer expression.
It wasn't until some years later that I began to draw more freely with pastels and pencils. I would sit and just let images come. They would often be quite spiritual drawings. By stilling my mind and getting out of the way, colour became medicine and images became messages. I love this process! It felt good to just allow a spontaneous flow of creative energy. I started running classes where meditation and stilling the mind was the beginning point of the class. After a guided meditation the class would then draw from the inside out. That is to say that the creative process is coming from direct link with the inner self.
Through this time I had three girls. I made their toys, hats and boots from felt and other natural materials and often had "creating circles" with them. I taught herself how to mosaic and then offered this as a workshop for kids and adults to learn these skills and make beautiful things themselves.
Having freed myself up in her own voice by then, I then was able to assist kids to sing though play, verse and games. I I I then transferred this to dance and began running creative dance classes for toddlers and school aged kids.
I discovered the free dance practises of 5Rhythms and Groove and dived into those delicious practices integrating them into my body and offering it to kids, teenagers and adults of all abilities as a way of feeling comfortable in their own bodies
and having great fun doing it!
When I revisited my painting in these years it was with a freedom of expression that had become so satisfying. I would never know what was going to emerge onto the canvas and the process was such a beautiful
synergy of myself and Spirit. It has become a practise that truly is a medicine to me. A way of getting to know my inner worlds better and becoming more in tune and more familiar with the true expression of myself.
My whole life has been about discovering myself through creativity. It is such a beautiful thing to live, and I am passionate about offering the space for others to know themselves through their own creativity.
I adore this work and delight in the knowing that we can all feel beauty that is our unique creative essence.